God is in the midst of her

J birth J birth2

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You” Isaiah 26:3

I have been hesitant posting this. This experience is sacred to me, and it almost feels like if I put it down on paper, it will be lost. But this blog is about Jesus to highlight His power. So, here’s telling how great our God is…

You know when you smell something familiar, it invokes a distinct memory of a place or time, whether good or bad? That’s what they teach in Psych class 101 – called classical conditioning.

When my daughter was in my womb her oesophagus never grew all the way to her tummy, so she needed a massive operation at only three days old. This ensured that she was born straight into NICU and I had a very scary 30 days ahead of me.

I had to stay very close to the Lord during this time, but many times fear got the upper hand and gripped me. There were many tears, with as many prayers. There were doubts peppered with ‘what ifs’ that jumped into my head. I sat at her bedside from 8am-8pm. I would watch all the machines attached to her little body painstakingly, and jump up at the nurse for every little beep, demanding to know what it meant. If I had to write a nurse’s exam after that ordeal, I think I might have just passed!

It was incredibly stressful. This post is not about spiritual attacks, but I am giving this example to highlight the type of ordeals we went through. One particular morning there was a spiritual attack on the NICU. The night before I had felt an evil presence come into my bedroom which I had to rebuke and pray away. The next morning, as I was getting dressed to go to the hospital, the Christian NICU nurse who was assigned to Jordan, called me on my cell. I was blessed to have her, she is a mighty woman of God. Her first words were, “Now don’t panic…but Jordan’s heart rate has increased to 300bpm and we can’t see why.” I can’t remember what happened after that but all I heard her say into the phone was, “No no, calm down, just call hubby or your mom, don’t panic!” And next I knew I was at the hospital.

The NICU was in disarray, which was out of the ordinary for this first class hospital. Jordan’s nurse felt it was a clear attack from Satan – all the machines were beeping out of control for unknown reasons, every single infant was screaming and phones were ringing off the hook. There was confusion everywhere. It was so noisy people could not concentrate.
Satan chose that specific day to attack because that was the day I would find out if Jordan’s operation was successful or if she had to be transferred to Cape Town’s Red Cross Childrens’ Hospital. God won. It was ok! Satan tried to steal my joy of God’s victorious operation by replacing it with a possible heart problem. To cut a long story short, there was nothing doctors could find that caused her heart rate to speed up, and an ECG showed her heart was perfectly healthy. I always find that when doctors don’t know, the spirit world does!

However, despite this most stressful time, this is the most blessed hospital I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I would say about 95% of the hospital staff there are saved. Every patient gets prayed over, and Jesus is on their lips the entire time. Besides a church, I have never witnessed an institution that holds so many Christians in one place and makes God the centre like this hospital does. God was always the topic of conversation there, which infused me with an abundance of strength. They are blessed and the patients are blessed because the staff honour Jesus. I never got to hold my baby until her third day in this world. A nurse came unexpectedly into my room and said, “Lets’ pray.” And she prayed for me and my baby, so heartfelt and wonderful. It gives me a lump in my throat thinking about it as I type. God is so beautiful in that hospital. He walks those floors the entire day through. There is peace amidst the chaos the medical world brings.

As you know, every time you enter the NICU ward, you need to wash your hands with that disinfectant or rub them with the alcohol disinfectant, which has a very distinct smell. I have one of those bottles at home that I use now and then. One would think that every time I smell the disinfectant that it would bring back awful memories. But no, my mind gets flooded with warm, loving memories! The smell invokes a very happy time for me. I do not remember it as a ‘bad’ time, but a great time with wonderful experiences because Jesus led the entire process. I get nostalgic. I smile every single time I use it. It makes me miss that hospital so much and its wonderful people. To be honest, I think I keep a bottle because it’s sentimental for me. 

That’s our Jesus – the beautiful calming peace in the storm. How I love Him! The world does not smile thinking back about a tribulation or trial. But we can, because we are His! We are children of the God of all comfort (2 Cor 1:3). God brought beauty to a memory that would very easily have been a horrible one if I never knew Him.
I know, that no matter how difficult the trial, I can rest in the peace of Jesus because God will always be in the midst of her.


36 thoughts on “God is in the midst of her

  1. Peg

    Thank you for sharing this! Years ago, my 3 year old (at the time) granddaughter was burned over 90% of her body. We spent many days that grew into months at her bedside as her life hung in the balance, and as you say, we probably could have passed the nurses exam. But Jesus showed Himself in control in so many ways throughout the whole ordeal. God is sovereign, and through His power, she surprised the “experts,” not only surviving and learning to walk again, but having a hospital stay of only 3 months when they predicted 6 or 8. People used to ask m, “How are you doing with all of this? I, with honesty, would reply, “This is nothing I would ever have chosen to go through, but going through it with Jesus is an amazing privilege.” I believe those days were “defining” moments in our lives, used by Him to solidify our relationship with Him. She is a beautiful 18 year old now, walking with the Lord, and we give God the glory for all He has done! Thanks again for sharing your story!

    1. kingintraining Post author

      My goodness Peg, yours was much more trying than my situation! What a wonderful ending. I agree with you- the Lord also used ours to solidify our relationship with Him but also brought other family members who had backslidden back to Him. He is GREAT!

  2. Naphtali

    When it comes to our children we mothers can become the greatest of warriors. I am sure this was difficult for you to write. I will tell you a quick story. After my ex and I divorced, he put me through literal “hell” with our young daughter forcing me to send her to see him 1000 miles away by herself or go to jail myself. Those 6 weeks were by far the worst in my life. I stayed in prayer. I cried in prayer, pleading with God to take care of her. After that trip he never made me send her again. In fact, it was as if he just quit except to pay child support/health insurance for her until she was 18. That was 15 years of his money his lawyer told him he would have to pay. I didn’t have to do a thing; God set that up. He paid it because he knew if he was one day late, I would take him back to court where they would have garnished his wages from then on. After our daughter (my present husband adopted her at the age of 18 at her request so he is her father now) grew up she and I were talking. She mentioned that trip he made her go on and how they were at a water park and lost her. I dropped to my knees.

  3. optimisticgladness

    What a wonderful story! How blessed you were to have all those people praying for you and with you. BTW, your baby is gorgeous! Thank you Father!

    1. kingintraining Post author

      Thank you very much. Yes it was an incredible blessing! She is 5 years old today and I’m still thanking God for that experience. I often wonder how well I would have handled it if the hospital was not as Christian as it was. The support was outstanding

  4. msinop1

    Thank you for letting the World see Christ in the midst of that crisis, which turned into a sweet memory. I am encouraged after reading this to always reflect on each crisis in my life in the light it deserves to be viewed in. xxxxxx God Bless you dear friend, Marty

  5. Delight in Truth

    So glad you had Christian staff around you at the hospital! Makes the world of a difference!

    I am very blessed with the job I have as a physician here in California, but there are very, very few of my colleagues who are believers in Jesus. I said Jesus, because they all claim they believe in god, but all you have to do is mention the name of Jesus and controversy erupts. They reject the gospel and the name of Jesus as the only way to heaven. So sad.

    I am very happy that your baby overcame the congenital defect. Praise God.

    1. kingintraining Post author

      Haha oh yes, when someone talks of ‘God’ I always want to clarify ad ask which god are they talking about! The Living one or “those others” lol.
      Thanks very much 🙂

  6. journeyofjoy

    I’d love to see a recent picture of her! I know she is beautiful. How awesome our God is. Glory to Him both now and forever. May God give her a long–fulfilling life full of JOY and great PEACE!

  7. Skye

    I am so confused….you are not showing up in my reader, but it says that I am following you. I am going to unfollow you and then follow you again. I just bopped over, and it looks like I have missed stuff. I am so sorry.

    This is a beautiful story….Praise God for His tender mercies. Thank you for sharing it so we can all see how God is in the midst of our lives working all things out for good. Big hugs!!

      1. Skye

        It amazes me how what we share from our hearts and experiences blesses others. God is so active…using all we do in His name for such good. I am sure He will use it!! Big hugs sent your way.

      2. kingintraining Post author

        LOL!! I have FIVE people this has happened with to me – and it makes me feel so bad because it looks like I’m not bothering to read their posts, while I’m blissfully unaware just thinking they’re having a busy week! Sulphur indeed! Mphf!

  8. Rebecca

    First of all thanks for the “follow”. You would be amazed to learn that I experienced almost the same thing when my daughter was very young. I don’t think I’ve blogged about it because I didn’t want to be seen as a religious fanatic. I experienced something very similiar with my husband as well. Strangely enough when my adorable two-year old grandson was born with Down syndrome, I didn’t experience it. I’m so glad it all worked out for you. God bless.

    1. kingintraining Post author

      Hehe I had to giggle at your ‘religious fanatic’ comment 🙂 If testifying of God’s greatness makes us a religious fanatic I’d better change this blog’s name to “Fanatic in Training” lol 😀
      Its great that you were blessed through all experiences, I love that! Thanks for stopping by xx


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